Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Always Time

Completed Work.


Michelle Wendt said...

Lovely, it makes my eyes swim with the tiny numbers and then changes, it is a living piece because of the numbers.

Anonymous said...

do the 1's and 0's actually mean something, or is it just random? I have a hard time (a-hem) believing you'd just put random zeroes and ones on there.

Drinne said...

It's how you spell the word Time in Binary.

Anonymous said...

"It's how you spell the word Time in Binary."

Big Endian or Little Endian? Ascii or Ebcdic?

Ok, I'm pretty sure you're using Ascii and not Ebcdic, but the Big/Little Endian still applies.

Drinne said...

ASCII - bi-endian in initial Little Endian since it's absolute value and the byte order read would be internal. This formulation would work on either type of processor but weighting the byte order should go through a compiler before it becomes an onscreen word.

Stacey said...
